Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fight to Fall

I wrote this story for a beautiful young woman at our church who is getting married soon.  She was in our youth group years ago, and is a true testament of what it means to seek God daily in her life journey.  Congrats to Whitney and Bryce.  May God bless their marriage for years to come.

Once upon a time there was a boy.

Once upon a time there was a girl.

And this boy loved to have fun.

And this girl loved to have fun.

Four-wheelers, dirt bikes, back roads and fast wheels.

Four-wheelers, dirt bikes, back roads and fast wheels.

Then this boy met a girl.

Then this girl met a boy.

His heart skipped a beat.

Her heart skipped a beat.

He wondered, check yes or no?

She wondered, check yes or no?

And then it happened.

And then it happened.

She stole his heart.

He stole her heart.

He hoped for much.

She hoped for much.

Can I be enough for her?

Can I be enough for him?

I want to provide a house for her.

I want to provide a home for him.

I want her to do life with me.

I want to give my life for him.

I want her to think I am worthy of her respect.

I want him to think I am beautiful.

I want to protect her from the hardships all around us.

I want to be there for him when the world is mean and hard.

And so he asked the big question.

And she said yes.

Then life began.

And it went as all life goes.

Life is never what we expect.

Life is harder than we bargain for.

He wanted to fix her problems.

She just wanted him to listen.

He just wanted her to respect him.

She wanted to feel beautiful again.

He wanted it to be like it used to be.

She wanted it to be like it used to be.

Four-wheelers, dirt bikes, back roads and fast wheels.

Four-wheelers, dirt bikes, back roads and fast wheels.

So he got on his bike and rode for a while.

She got on the four-wheeler and went for a ride.

He eventually made his way to ‘their spot.’

She eventually made her way to ‘their spot.’

When he got there, he parked and walked down to the edge of the creek.

When she got there, she parked next to his bike and walked down to the creek.

He was skipping stones, wishing he could somehow skip all the junk away.

Her heart was skipping beats, wishing she could somehow skip all the junk away.

He turned to see who was coming.

She turned so he wouldn’t see her tears.

And they were at another crossroads.

They had seen many of these.

Fall apart or fight together.

Fight forever or fall together.

He made a choice.

She made a choice.

He forgot about the way he felt and went with what he knew.

She ignored the way she felt and went with what she knew.

So he decided to fight.

She decided to fall.

Fight together.

Fall together.

For in the end,

Love always wins.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12:  Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.  But how can one keep warm alone?  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Three strands-God, Bryce, Whitney.  Marriage takes three.

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