Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Humble Heart's Cry

Dearest Father,

You are moving in my soul.  And it is well.  So I stand before you and say I am a mess.  I have harbored bitterness and unforgiveness because I felt betrayed and lost and alone and unloved.  But you have called me out of my pit.  You have lifted me out of my darkness.  And you are beautiful, absolutely beautiful.  So I stand in your presence and say I love you.  I love you for how you love me.  I love you for being the God of greatness.  I love you for being the God of grace.  I love you for looking at all my ugliness and saying you will still choose to make me into something beautiful.  And I can never understand why.  Why would you love me?  Why would you see me?  Why do you continue to pour your Spirit into my breath and soul and grant me glimpses of Your Greatness.  

Oh, God.  You are.  And I will hold onto that promise until one day when I get to see you once again.  I will believe that you have so much more promised for me.  I believe You are God and you reign on high and yet you still love me.  me.  

Move in me.  Move me out of my wretched lukewarm.  I do not want to be out of your presence for a moment, so set my heart on fire.  And love me.  For when you fill me with your love, then I  am love.  And on that day when I stand in your presence and all those i’ve left behind stand on earth, may they have caught a glimpse of your love through my meager efforts to reflect your light.  

break me down.  bring me to my knees.  take out of me anything that is not of you.  make me more and more like you.  to be a light to my children.  so they too can become lights for your kingdom.  so they too can serve you and obey you with all their beings.

You are good.  You are light.  I love you greatly.

humbly yours,

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